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We are more familiar with Cheese than you, by the way, since we've known him for longer than you.

Pirate Boss said: People like Blue and Galath really have no promminence in this wiki (No offense)

None taken. However, all users have equal prominence* in this wiki. The admins just have extra rights, and two have already abused them.
As I already said, we have known Cheese for much longer than you, and he never behaves rudely unless he is being targeted, which you have succeeded in doing.
The fact that you thought him asking you "why [you're] praising the admins" was an insult proves a one of two things:

  • You are ashamed that you were praising the admins because they are abusive admins


  • You were actually praising them not because they did something good, but because you want to look good in front of them and have them on your side all the time

If the first point is correct, then congratulations, this wiki has abusive admins who want to use their privileges as a ruling power.
If the second point is correct, then congratulations, the admins are bias-prone, and users who are on the admins' good side have more rights than other contributors, and the wiki is unfair.
If there's a reason I didn't mention for you taking this as an insult, go ahead and state it.

 05:42, Saturday   Ninjablademaster TALK    15.03.2014