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Note: At least on the Android version, the game is even more unstable when you factor in wingmen. It's like it can't handle that much friendly AI or something and so just freezes up on entering an orbit with wingmen in tow, or on the loading screen going to another orbit or system. I kid you not; there are issues with systems loading period at times, but hiring wingmen only seems to make it worse. I am playing on a Galaxy S3, so hardware is NOT the issue. If GOF2 HD can run fine on an iPhone 4S, then it should run spectacularly well on my phone when nothing else is open. I can even run the game with power saver mode enabled and I notice no difference. The instabilities are there regardless, and even without wingmen I cross my fingers every time I leave an orbit, because if I didn't drop by the station to sell valuable loot and save; I might lose all of that when the game just crashes.