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I have a theory about the stealth fighters.

It should be possible to obtain them, and I'll tell you why (and please correct me if I'm wrong!):

On the update description on the app store, it says there are eight new spaceships for the expansion and six special ships plus one retro ship for the free update. So, this is the ship list for the free update: Gryphon (the retro ship), Berger Cross Especial, Phantom XT, Groza Mk II, Darkov, Kinzer RS and Teneta R.E.D.

This is the ship list for the Supernova expansion (there should be eight): 1.Rhino, 2.Na'srrk, 3.Amboss, 4.Blue Fyre, 5.Bloodstar, 6.Gator Custom, 7.(SPOILER)Scimitar, 8.??????

See? There should be a way to obtain the stealth fighters.