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Well, having blown most of my budget buying this vessel, I have not yet got it fully upgraded, so I won't compare it to the Kinzer RS I used to complete the campaign or my VoidX from my other save just yet, though the armor and high equipment slot is definitely a bit plus. I still need to get used to the new 2 secondary system, shouldn't matter that much if you're a close dog fighting player like me (cause at close range you are not going be able to use nuke anyways.) Performed a few pirate raids in this ship already, so far so good, the default handling isn't as high as I would like it to be, but with the best thrust and a mostly empty hold, not really a problem, once upgraded, shouldn't be able to notice it at all I think. All in all, a great ship. Now I think I just have to rebuild my budget :\ A more thourogh review of the vessel is to follow once I have it fully upgraded (will compete it against Darkzov and Kinzer RS).

Best Regards
