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@Sporillium / ZorchyGroxFox

I personally disagree with you, having player Metal Storm myself (and yes, it was rubbish), the 2 games are completly different, one is a solely single player based epic sci-fi action(or shooter depending on how you classify games). The other is a MMO free to play with single player component that was not in the original version of the game. The 2 games will use very different marketing strategies have different target audiences. I agree that Fishlab does do a good job and they do look after their users. But I just think that since the Specter was used as a main promo point (I know they never said you could buy it, but everyone wanted it), people who bought Supernova (myself included), was/will expect to unlock the ship somehow in the normal/all methods of gameplay. I did complete the game on Extreme just to unlock and try the vessel and share it with everyone. But I'm on a break now and due to real life work and academic commitments. It would be impossible for me play games like I once has. So Fishlab should reconsider unlock this ship, I for one, am against a well known ship as an Extreme reward that serves as a Statuary symbol. I have done custom content modding for PC games before and I have never done or seen a single player game that has exclusive difficulty based content before (yes, this is not PC, but the principle remains the same). How a player plays the game is purely his/her business, Easter Eggs that are cool and interesting but does not affect game enjoyment are good, but not something like this, because the reward for difficulty is really all about the experience, by playing on Extreme and if you enjoyed it, the that is in itself, a highly rewarding experience, each player will choose a journey (difficulty) based on his/her time availibilty and skill, but the point should be that it's a path you choose and enjoy, and ultimately achieve the same outcome, that's what I think is the core essence of a good single player game such as GOF2.

