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Hi, new to this forum, but since I got some great tips, thought I'd add mine. Finished Supernova storyline & managed to obtain Bloodstar, which helped achieve Blindfolded Killer & Jammer in the same go. I made sure to load up on EMP GL DX, & Energy Cells, Archimedes turret, 1 Icarus, 1 Raccoon, & 2 Dark Matter Lasers. I had the Particle Shield, & you can add T'Suun to use AFTER you get the Jammer 100% indicator. Now, ditch the scanner, add the YinCo, & other accessories, etc. Then I Khadored to Void space, the void theme music will start to play, then stop (no scanner) but soon you'll be shot at, let the turret indicate the two directions they're coming from, cloak, then start throwing EMP's in those directions, mop up the mess, rinse, lather repeat. The Blindfold Killer should indicate @ every 10 kills, & I managed Jammer before I got to 20%. The one thing I'm not too sure about is if I used any Drains (Crimson, etc.) hope this helps, and thanks for the great tips others have submitted!
