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No, I haven't even finished the GOF2 story. I just felt like collecting all the ships first, so that any revenue from the campaigns can go straight to buying the VoIdX, the Deep Science ships, the Most Wanted ships, and the Scimitar and Specter. I wanted to get the collecting out of the way early, but it seems I can't really do that if two Vossk ships are locked as if they were something unique. There S'Kanarr might be an ultimate ship, but this one is just a decent ship. If it had something truly unique besides it's appearance involved I'd understand. I just want to stuff them in the Kaamo Club and gather dust with the rest of my collection really, I guess; I'm quite content with my Dark Angel right now. But my point is that neither page takes the time to mention the important fact that you can't really find them unless you complete the Valkyrie campaign, or at least part of it. I would have liked to know that last night when I started this mad hunt through Vossk territory for these 2 ships.