Talk:Galaxy on Fire 2/@comment-

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Blindfolded Killer requires 100 kills with no scanner. For that I recommend running a ship with 4 primary hardpoints and mount 4 Icarus Heavy AS on them. Then put a Nirai Overdrive in the equipment slot where the scanner went (if you didn't already have one equipped). Step 3: go nuts. 

If I remember I think it was jam 15 ships with the same EMP device. For that I recommend going to a system and shooting the security force and then running away once they become hostile then immediately going back. There might be 15 of them if there are pirates or another faction. You can also go to one of the Neutral Systems and hope you get 15 ships. Honestly the easiest way to get this is to use the voids during a mission. I can't remember the exact mission but Alice sic's a bunch of voids at you and just fly towards the planet to get them all in a group and then boost up and EMP all of them. If you already made it past that point then restart your save. You're going to lose all your progress but it's worth it.