Saya Nehiro

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No formal education, however she has spent more hours under the hood of spacecraft than many mechanics twice her age. She had a string of arrests when she was younger, thanks to some poor decisions on who to work for. However, I separate history from who a person is. She gets repairs done quickly, ahead of schedule, and under budget. And she never cuts corners. She was brought to my attention by Hayley Snocom when I was complaining that the Nova Defense Force mechanics were of a poor quality. I had misgivings, but gave her a chance. While I cannot say all of my gambles in officers have gone well, she definitely payed off. She has also helped a great deal in getting Kyrrk, my Vossk quartermaster, to socialize with the crew. Another reason I am glad she serves under my command.


Saya is a brash, well-trained and highly skilled technician, and serves as your ship, weapon and equipment upgrader. By paying her a sum of credits, she will spend a few hours increasing the capabilities of whatever you choose. She will magically speed up her upgrades if you pay her a large sum of Mhaan-tiq. Swindler.

It appears Saya takes the role as one of your wingmen, however this is unconfirmed.

Background (Minor Spoiler)

Saya first appears at the start of the game with Kyrrk Tasst, who save your character from Indigo Brink pirates. It was Saya's idea to bring the player back to the Manticore to patch up your ship as well as supposedly being the one who introduces the player to Bryce. Upon arriving at the Manticore she suggests the player joins the Manticore crew.


  • "Check out this new upgrade!"
  • "Upgrade is finished and ready to try."
  • "Upgrade is done done and done."
  • "Ok, this new upgrade is pretty rad."
  • "There's a lovely new blueprint available."
  • C H E C K O U T T H I S N E W U P G R A D E