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The reputation mechanic in the Galaxy on Fire series measures how friendly or hostile Keith T. Maxwell is to a faction based on his actions towards it.

Loyalty in Galaxy on Fire 3D


The conflict throughout Galaxy on Fire 3D is between the Terran Federation and the Vossk Empire. This is reflected through a bar with a mark that shows Keith's loyalty relative to the two factions, with the Vossk at the left, green end and the Terrans at the right, yellow end. Completing missions offered by one faction demonstrates increased loyalty to it (decreased loyalty to the other), and the mark comes closer to that faction's end. However, with increasing loyalty to a faction, Keith must pay a bribe so he can dock at an opposing faction's planet or space station. Reputation Ranks: -Unkown -Capable -Respected -Admired -Notorious -Feared -Heroic -Glorious

NOTE: Accepting missions from Noid Trillyx can decrease your loyalty to the Terrans but not completely. (A good way if you need to balance your reputation with the Vossks.)

Reputation in Galaxy on Fire 2

Thirty-five years later, the Vossk and the Terrans are still enemies, but after the events of the Nivelian Civil War, two more factions are at ends: the Nivelian Republic and the Mido Confederation.


Similar to the Loyalty Meter, the Reputation Meter determines your loyalty to the Terrans/Vossk and Nivelians/Midorians.  Reputation level starts from 0% (neutral) to 100% (friendly).  Positive reputation level towards one faction implies negative level towards the opposing faction.  You can tell your reputation level towards one faction from the standing bonus percentage offered in Space lounge missions by people of the faction. The following actions increase your reputation towards a faction:

Reputation Gains and Losses
Action Effect Notes
Successfully completing a free roam mission +5% for the provider's faction
Destroying a faction's ship +1% for said faction's rival This includes most wanted criminals and their escorts, if they have any allegiance

Wingmen will never betray you and hence won't turn hostile when shot

Destroying a pirate ship +1% for the faction of the station under assault
Salvaging freight from wrecked/paralyzed ships +1% for every piece stolen
Destroying a capital ship +8% for the faction's rival per ship

+1% per turret

Only the terran battlecruiser is destructible
Paying a bribe to a diplomat Alters your reputation and renders both sides neutral Faction-based diplomats only spawn if you are hostile to it
Destroying pirate outposts/voids/Black Guard Stealth fighters Unknown
Destroying ships via your wingmen
Equipping a signature You will be completely allied to the relevant faction and become hostile to its rival Only one signature may be active at any given moment

Effects of Reputation
Allied Faction Hostile Faction Notes
Missions Mission rewards will include a standing bonus of up to an extra 100%. No penalty. Not affected by signatures.
Docking None A bribe must be paid to dock every time. Failure results in the player being forced to depart. Stations that are not allied to any faction, such as Kaamo and Valkyrie, are never subject to this.

Bribes don't stack and will reach up to ~29000 in extreme.

Free Roaming Ships become friendly Ships are hostile and will shoot on sight If two factions are engaged, attacking the friendly one will cause them to become hostile while the original rivals become neutrals.

Wingmen are always allied.

Local Security Assault

When attacking ships, it will become hostile if you attack it too much, but it does not affect your reputation unless you destroy it.

When attacking a specific ship, after you have dealt 50% damage to it, the pilot will convince you to stop by saying one of the three quotes such as:

  • "Hold your fire! What's gotten into you?!"
  • "Hey! What are you doing? Stop it!"
  • "Help! I'm being attacked!"

However if you continue to attack the same shipby dealing 10% more damage after you have already done 50%, then that specific ship will become hostile towards you. It also happens if you deal 60% damage to a ship that has not been attacked by you.

After that specific ship is hostile, you continue to attack it again by dealing 10% more damage after you have done 60%, then all ships will become hostile towards you, with the exception of Wingmen. This also happens if you deal 70% damage to a ship that has not been attacked by you. When this happens, a pilot will say one of the three quotes such as:

  • "He's crazy! Blow him away!"
  • "Unauthorized use of weapons! Eliminate the target!"
  • "This is going too far. We need backup!"

Returning to a provoked station will result in a taunt from the aggravated security team:

  • "He's back! Don't let him get away this time!"
  • "He's back! This time he doesn't stand a chance."
  • "You have a lot of nerve showing up here again! All fighters prepare to attack!

Regardless of your reputation, if you've attacked a station security or their allies, you will be forced to pay a bribe and dock, which also pacifies the angry security team.

Signatures will not be able to counter security assault, they will just ignore it and still see you as an enemy to them. For example: You assaulted a Terran station and return there with a Terran Signature equipped, they will still remain hostile to you and ignore the Signature's effect