Paréah prisms

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According to Moonsprocket, the Paréah prisms are actually ancient relics, named after the system where they are found by one of his Nivellian collegues on an archeological dig site. He has included them in his Plasma Array's construction plans, where they concentrate existing plasma clouds to form anti-anti-mater necessary for reversing the Supernova. They were last deposited in a vault at the Nevan Station, and Moonsprocket proposes to loan them for Deep Science, with Maxwell joining in their efforts.

At Nevan, however, Dr. Gum'Skratch, a colleague of Moonsprocket, explains the four prisms are on their way to Lopat when they lost contact with the freighter and are never heard of ever since, presuming them lost to pirate activity. This forces Maxwell to search along its route. He bumps into pirates but manages to fight them off and obtain the freighter's black box as well as one of the prisms.

With help from Brent Snocom, Maxwell learns Pal Tyyrt is connected to the attack, who redirects Maxwell to Kehnor. Kehnor reveals he had three prisms, but sold one to a Midorian mining operation at Dekato, and surrendered another to the Vossk Empire when he was cornered in their territory. Maxwell manages to obtain the only one Kehnor currently owns.

At Dekato, Maxwell reveals the Prism's importance to a Midorian Industrialist connected to the mining operation. He reveals the Prism is used as a power source for the blast furnance at a Coromesk mining plant, and its removal puts thousands of jobs at stake with their unfulfilled orders. Maxwell then strikes a deal - He will assist the miners in completing their last order, and they will hand him the prism in exchange. He proceeds to acquire enough Titanium and secures the prism.

Meanwhile, the Vossk are testing the prism's potential for military applications. To steal it, Maxwell blackmails Mekant Orskk, then Counsellor to the Imperial Throne, with Mekant's involvement in the K'SUukk hijacking. Mekant eventually buys Maxwell's blank threat and reveals the prism being located on a Vossk Battlecruiser near Bra'Murr's orbit. He heads there under cover, but finds two instead of one. His first attempt fails, but he manages to survive on the second and escapes with the prism.

The Prisms are among the salvageable components when the first plasma array was destroyed, and are subsequently refitted to Valkyrie after the Terran Federation appropriated it for Deep Science. The Plasma Array's activation results in an implosion that destroys it and all of its components, including the prisms.