Ganfor Kant

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Ganfor Kant
Ganfor kant mw info card.jpg
Ganfor Kant's Most Wanted Page
Gender Male
Race Nivelian
Faction Most Wanted

(Mido Confederation)

Status Dead (if bounty collected)
Era Galaxy on Fire 2

In-Game Description

Ganfor Kant is the leader of a small but dangerous group of Midorian rebels, who call themselves "The Liberators" and who are responsible for a number of raids and attacks in the Nesla area. They are recruiting new members on a daily basis and keeping the authorities busy with all kinds of provocative and rabbel-rousing actions, such as the illegal placement of ad-holograms in Nivelian territory. Ganfor Kant is heavily armed and always surrounded by half a dozen of his underlings.


  • Ganfor Kant is the 5th criminal on the Nivelian Most Wanted board.
  • His bounty is 120,000$
  • He carries 1t Rhoda Blackhole, making him worth relooting simply to have several of them.