Game Guides:Finding Items

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What ever you need, whether it is for a blueprint, a commodity to sell on, or simply something that you want to collect as a personal goal, it is always frustrating when you are unable to find it.

The simple trick

  • Know what it is that you are looking for.
  • Identify which system it can be found in at the lowest price.
  • Go to the system chosen from the above instructions and that system and those immediately surrounding it will be the systems where the item in question will be found in the greatest number.
  • Also raiding the Freighters in the system where the specific item is found in greater amounts can yield upwards of 40t of that specific item.

Why it works

The reason why this strategy works is because GOF2 is an adventure game with the added function of trading. Just like in the real world, where if something is in short supply it becomes more expensive, it is like this in GOF2. Using this same real world logic, as a player you need to travel to the system where the item is cheapest, as this is where said item will be in greatest supply. The most common in-game example of this is booze, an Aquila Cocktail for example, can be bought cheapest in the Aquila system, where, one would assume is where they are produced and therefore most common.  Another example of this that can be applied to trading is Organs, these are at the lowest price in the Pan System, this is also where they are found in the greatest abundance.