GameGuides:Unregistered User's Guide

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Welcome to Galaxy on Fire 2! As you probally know how to normally play this, lets get started!


Follow the tutorial. Once you get to the "pirates" part, take both weapons, and equip either on the ship. After the tutorial, you can sell the unused one for money.


Welcome to Mido, the tutorial system! Here you should pick up as many supplies as possible before moving on. Theres no shame in testing a weapon. You gameover, you retry! This is your playground!

Now, you probbaly finished work with Gunant already and your on your way to Kernestal. You can go to another planet now without disruption: even Yrdal Gedal! Its your choice if you want to go to another planet before going to Kernetal in order to stock up on cash via mining. Personally i think you should do that.

Once your ready, set off to Kernestal, go into the station, go out, and go en-route to Yrdal Gedal.

Now that you have the space lounge open, this is your true playground. Feel free to choose your choice of weapons.

Called to Kernestal! I reccomend cash farming for a bit.

Once your ready, head over to Kernestal.

Tut Finished

Congratulations! Have a box! [edit Intelli Jet] A edit box, that is.