Bomber (Gof3, enemy)

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Bombers are a type of enemy in Galaxy on Fire 3: Manticore . There are two types of them: Kamikaze and Conventional, but only former is registed in the Codex.

In game description (Kamikaze type)

Bombers will never dogfight. They are focused on destroying larger targets such as frigates or stations. They are AI controlled, most of the time. They have a specialised payload, such as explosives and EMPs. Often difficult to shoot down before they reach their target. Make a direct focused attack upon them to get through their high armour. It’s not unknown for Vossk pilots to fly them personally on occasion, when honour demands it.

The first appearance of them in the main storyline is D'Rak's attack on the Intrepid Station, when Terran bombers were used. They are exclusive to only one type of contract: the convoy protection contracts. For more information, see the Codex.

Conventional Type

Contrast to the single-use kamikaze type, conventional type bombers are significantly larger and equipped with mines and an integrated forward shield, despite of that they still pose far less threat than other mine deploying enemy craft, as they can neither fly fast nor perform evasion, and their forward shield is penetrable by high power primary weapons, albeit taking reduced damage.

They tended to activate their shields and flew a straight course at the direction of one of their targets, then dropped a few mines before broke away.

They can be regularly encountered in law enforcement, weapon control and supply defense contracts, where they always arrive in pair (sometimes with scouts or fighters tagged along).


  • Until the end of Act 2, no kamikaze type Nivelian bomber has made its debut yet.
  • Despite its poor defensive capacity, the forward shield of a conventional type bomber is one of the most devastating equipments an enemy can access to, just a single collision could instantly deal serious damage to a fully upgaded H'Soc Mk 1 with 11,019-point shield and 6,406-point hull (tested, losing the whole shield together with around 40% health), making these bomber more dangerous in heavier fights (i.e. supply defense missions with highest difficulty).