Board Thread:News from DSFISHLABS/@comment-27866167-20161103171938/@comment-27866167-20161122083738

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Hey guys, sorry for the delay. Been on vacation and just returned to the office yesterday. I will forward the bug reports (overlaying music and ship selection problems) to the game team straight away. I will also provide them with the feature suggestions.

Personally, I don't think the stations are pointless at all, even if you cannot dock to them, because now they are finally an organic part of the orbit. In GOF2, you approached them and when you got close enough, it switched to a loading screen. In GOF3, you can cruise along them, dash through their ramifications, even seek shelter amidst them when your energy is low. So for the action and flying gameplay, they already mark a huge improvement. Still, I agree that it'd be even cooler if you'd dock to them as well. Though I cannot say if anything like this is planned for the foreseeable future.

Also, it is cool that you mentioned that we got a "great framework" set up already. That's also how we see it. The game is already huge and packed with content. But there is still sooo much more to come. During live operation, we will constantly build upon the foundation we have laid.