Board Thread:Hype Train for GoF3/@comment-27866167-20160303161728/@comment-27866167-20160309133947

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Cheers, guys. The old GOF characters truly have a certain charme and we hold 'em dear, But, to be honest, they were already rather outdated when the game launched on iOS. And they had one more disadvantage. They only existed from the shoulders upwards and they were so lo-res that they couldn't be used on any banners, graphics or marketing materials. The new characters are not only much more details and state-of-the-art, but they also go along with the "new tone" of GOF3 's universe, which is more gritty and grown-up.

Nevertheless, we are still very fond of the old GOF characters and you will meet some of 'em again in GOF3, too... ;)