Board Thread:General Discussion/@comment-5585298-20130614202111/@comment-7404610-20130616160627

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Finding them is the first big hurdle.  Coming up with a taxonomy to organize them is the second. From that, we can write the master "GameGuides" article that links to the more-detailed second-tier articles, some of which will themselves have to break out details to a third tier, etc.  

Well, renaming an article isn't to be done lightly, as there may be other articles that link to it. So after renaming, you should generally create a new article with the same name as the old article that consists entirely of a redirect to the new article, so that if any links out there pointing to the old name remain, they won't break.  The actual renaming is done from the little drop-down triangle on the right of the Edit button.  This will bring up a warning about just how dangerous it is to rename an article, and the special responsibilities you have if you proceed. Since you are new, please don't do it until you are certain you can handle those responsibilities.

In a lot of cases, we will find two or more articles with a great deal of overlap, and end up eliminating all but one (by turning those other articles into redirect stubs pointing to the consoidated article name), rewritten to cover them all.  Then we might find that the combined article is too long and break out sections as new articles.  We could even end up with more articles than when we started, but they'll be organied and focused, rather than scattershot collections of random "Tips and Tricks".