Board Thread:Command Center/@comment-1937970-20140809063917/@comment-1937970-20140814054728

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The problem I am forseeing is that too much time and energy will be spent comparing ships against each other--sure you can easily compare any of the "ultimate ships" against "starter ships", or anything starkly different against each other like a VoidX against a Cormorant, but how about between, say, an Aegir versus a Veteran? A Hernstein against a Tyrion? Perhaps the examples are too specific.

While certain ships clearly fit within certain categories--bomber, cargo ship, multi-role, etc.--the rest of the ships in GoF 2 would have to be sifted by how many of what statistic it has. Let's go into detail with this, to help illustrate the problem.

So let's define a bomber in the scope of GoF 2. One defenition would be a lot of secondary weapons slots, but the range is between 0 and 4. This category can be defined one of two ways: (1) The number of primary slots must be less than the number of secondary slots, or (2) The ship must have at least 3 secondary slots.

Definition (1): Veteran, Teneta, Cormorant, Furious, N'Tirrk, Type 43, Kinzer, Hiro (lol), Tyrion (archetypeal)

Definition (2): I'm not even gonna list them all. Seventeen ships have at least three secondaries. If we go by the alternate definition of at least two secondaries, we're then talking about 44 bombers. Eww.

Now imagine we organize all of these ships by statistics like above. There will be ships that fulfill at least two different roles depending on how their numbers fare against our organization. But then would we need to create another organization scheme above statistics? I feel at this point it will get too complicated.

BUT I have a different suggestion, which will get people playing (and acheiving medals if clever enough) and writing better articles: Include a section on the ship articles on suggested ways to play them. While there is a basic set of equipment that every ship must have (Khador Drive, Shield Generator, Armor), what else should a particular ship have so that you don't die? Pretty much discuss, dare I say, loadouts for a ship. On the forums, we can have a discussion for every individulal ship and how everyone that visists the wiki plays them.

Did any of this make sense?

-=| Thunder | Luigi |=- 05:47, August 14, 2014 (UTC)