Board Thread:Announcements/@comment-5585298-20170621110518/@comment-30202282-20170820043612

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See, I only have an android build available because deploying to iOS requires fighting with apple and spending 100 bucks on a developer license.

That kinda isn't my style (or my funding).

If you have an android device, the latest build is just downloadable as an apk, so you don't need to bother with registering as a tester or anything. You just download and go.

If you have an iPhone, you're kinda out of luck. I can build an XCode project, but to load it onto a phone you'll need a dev license, or I'll need a dev licence and Testflight.

So, yeah. Latest build is here.

Sorry if you can't run it for whatever reason. I'd love to do an iOS port at some point.