Board Thread:Announcements/@comment-5585298-20160719164039/@comment-28957431-20160722145931

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And based on what 8100DSTAR wrote i can confirm that us old GOF2 fans will need a more complete game. I do want to tell you it's not all that bad. Let me give it a try....

The graphics are awesome and the fighting action is way more tense than GOF2. Also, the game emchanics are more challenging. Ah and, it's all server based, like any modern 2016 game so it will receive a lot of upgrades and additions. Also, when you work your way trought the bosses, a storyline will develop and that part is not bad. So far the good part. 

Before spawning the bad parts of this game, lets first reply on some of the above. I never really experienced the problem of 'waiting' for repairs. Since a repair kicks in after maybe 5 missions, and your ship is not usable for 2 hours, you will just use another ship. Every ship can be updated when you gain xp so you will use all your gear. There are currently 16 ships to unlock (the game says 18 but according to FL, this is a display bug) so no way you will ever need to wait for playing, especially when you start to unlock more ships.

For those who don't mind paying a bit for a game, there is also an incentive, as the best stuff in the game is currently acquired by ship/weapon packs (it requires mhaan-thiq, you can grind it in game if you have the time or you pay for it if you want to help FL out a bit ;)).

As for the ships, they are totally awesome, i don't think anyone will be dissappointed there. Some new stuff, some golden oldies, and FL already confirmed more content is on its way.

As for the weapons, they are cool without a doubt. Only problem is, you won't buy them in our beloved space lounches. The following also goes for ships. Certain storyline missions unlock a weapon, from there on, enemies drop blueprint parts. When you have all the parts (or buy the missing parts with mhaan-thiq), you can build it. After that, everything is upgradable to make it even better. 

Now...the downsides which i really hope FL will add in the very near future:

- NO FREE ROAM -> Jumpgates look awesome but they dont jump you anywhere. Some systems are so beautifull i had to screenshot them cause i will never see them again, unless storyline missions are replayable (which they are not). You can't leave the 'combat area' so dont try to fly out of your current coordinates too far.

- NO DOCKING TO ANYTHING -> Need i say more? Which also means...NO MARKET OR ECONOMY. AND...NO ADVENTURE TO UNLOCK HIDDEN SYSTEMS, MATERIALS, ETC. There is simply no incentive to keep playing after the storyline is completed. While GOF2 kept you busy for ages because of this system. That is in my opinion, the real problem with this game.

- NO VOICES -> Every aspect of the storyline is written in text

- STORYLINE IS SHORT -> I'd bet you all would complete it in a few days

- NON-STORY MISSIONS ARE REPETITIVE -> There are currently 3 kinds of normal mission types. Event-wise, there is more but you only can do 2 of them in a certain timeframe as they give you a little Mhaan-thiq and that stuff is rare.

- Probably i'm forgetting some things now but ok...This is on my mind.

To conclude, I do have the feeling that FL developers really devoted everything into this game and they deserve only the best. So i'm giving it some time. I understand that a GOF2 business model will push them straight to bancrupcy in the 2016 game landscape, so they needed to adapt. I think all gamers see that as well. The f2p-model is ok, good things don't come cheap. Still, they should bring a whole new edge into this game if they want this to be viable for the years to come. The mechanics are awesome, so the potential is there. I dearly hope FL can get this done. It's just not what GOF2 fans have been waiting for for all that time.

Maybe this is why GOF3 had been soft launced first, so some of these issues can be dealt with before launching it globally. We can only hope.

For those who want to figure out more or may want to add to my story based on the current game, download the game on IOS. I think you all know how to access content on another countries app store ;) Since i now invested in this game i just hope it gets the upgrades and add-ons it deserves, that we are waiting for for years :)

See you in space...

Kind regards,
