Board Thread:Announcements/@comment-24146651-20161103212516/@comment-27866167-20161104082912

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Cheers, NiveliKing. I'll try to be a bit more present here from now on. After all, you guys are among our oldest and most dedicated players, so you definitely deserve a little more attention than I was able to give you in the past. Sorry for that. As for the timers in GOF3, we know they are an issue and we are working on improving them. But it's a tough nut to crack. Until then, our recommendation is to work towards your second ship quickly and then "juggle" ships (which means to fly one while the other is being repaired). Also, you don't have to repair your ship after every mission of course. You can fly with full stats until the stamina bar is fully drained and even then you can continue flying, albeit with slightly lower stats.