Board Thread:Announcements/@comment-10925766-20151226212028/@comment-27931713-20160515135431

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I'm rarely come here, cause too busy in my world, and also I'm online on mobile phone, online on PC is pretty difficult, and the signal's strength in my location is unstable, at least my hype for GoF3 still not going down.

At least I got some info about current news of GoF3:

- I checked on their FB Official Fan Page, and someone comment when he can taste the game, then the developer said in Summer soon they promise that we could enjoy the game. - It's possibly that playing GoF3 required Internet connection, I was just hoping that we can play it offline too, while creating our brand new character just like in Deep Submarine Odyssey. - As stated in a Pocket Gamer Article, there'll be around 20 Ships, that you can customize. - From what I'm thinking, possibly that GoF3's development became slowing down because the developer were too focused on another game named Everspace, I know the developer name is different, but it's same as DS Fishlabs and both Rockfish Games and Fishlabs have the same Leader, named Michael Schade, the Everspace itself has reached its Alpha Version and the rumour said it may be released October soon.