Bartholomeu Drew

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Bartholomeu Drew
Bartholomeu drew mw info card.jpg
Bartholomeu Drew's Most Wanted Page
Gender Male
Race Terran
Faction Most Wanted

(Terran Federation, formerly)

Status Dead (if bounty collected)
Era Galaxy on Fire 2

In-Game Description

Not too long ago, Bartolomeu Drew still carved out a miserable existence as an unsuccessful towel-merchant. In recent years, however, he emerged to become one of the most successful organ smugglers between Eanya and K'ontrr. But his seemingly unexhaustable stock of Bobolian eyes, Multipod tentacles and Vossk organs did not only attract potential customers. The Mido-Alliance's Security Department became suspicious and examined Batholomeu's freighter. On board they found not only several torture instruments and steel cages, but also an almost uncountable amount of body parts. Though he disappeared into the underground shortly after the incident, Bartolomeu Drew still trades organs from one remote system to another every now and then.


  • Bartholomeu Drew is the third criminal on the Midorian Most Wanted board.
  • His bounty is 85,000 credits
  • He carries 8t of Vossk Organs


  • There's a slight inconsistency on the info page concerning the name of the criminal. In the Most Wanted list and the title he is called Bartholomeu, while in the description he is called Bartolomeu.