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The Leo System is a system from Galaxy on Fire 3D. It has 2 planets and 3 stations. It is located in the Terdan Quadrant. One of its' planets, Dareius, is speculated to be the home of the Dareius Asteroid Belt, where Keith T. Maxwell's hyperdrive malfunctioned.

Planets and Stations

Name: Nol-Fim IV

Type: Station

Inhabitants: Ceti

Technology Level: 5

Trade: Yes

Name: Rahui Type: Planet Inhabitants: Ceti Technology Level: 10 Trade: No

Name: Dareius Type: Station Inhabitants: Terran Technology Level: 6 Trade: No

Name: Kurosawa Type: Station Inhabitants: Ceti Technology Level: 7 Trade: Yes

Name: Alexandria Type: Planet Inhabitants: Terran Technology Level: 4 Trade: No